Skat is the German national card game and the game that "won the West" in the US. Now, a shareware version of the game is available for your Macintosh. Bridge players will enjoy the new challenge. Players of Euchre and other games will enjoy the step up.
The Stuffit‚Ñ¢ archive, "Skat111.sea" contains the files, Skat 1.1.1, Skat for Beginners, and Skat Handbook 1.1 which, uncompressed, take up about 1.7Mb of disk space. You may copy this archive and distribute it freely to your friends. All three files should be distributed together so that recipients have a complete package. Only unregistered copies of Skat 1.1.1 may be distributed. If you continue to use Skat 1.1.1 and the associated manuals after 25 days, register your copy by sending $12 to the address indicated in the program. In return, you will receive a registration code that will unlock all of the features. You can also register online in Compuserve. Enter the command, GO SWREG and give the ID #6315.
If you're new to Skat, first read the tutorial, Skat for Beginners. But, don't get bogged down too much in the details. Give the program a try!
A new version, Skat 2.0, adds sounds, new games such as "Pub Skat" and "Bock" Rounds, and even allows you to play an entire tournament over a network (network license separate). Up to 48 real or simulated players can participate at one time and the computer handles all of the details, including the scoring. Full details and an order form can be found in the Handbook.
You can download a demo version from the Skat WWW site at the address: Check it out.
Skat is one of the world's truly great games. We hope you enjoy it!
Fa. Rasche
If you have questions about Skat or want to place an order, contact us at: